trailer park life


you know you live in a trailer park when…

you turn in to the park entrance around midnight on a friday night, only to see a man in a cape walking on foot determinedly out of the trailer toward the nearby bowling alley.


trailer park life


you know you live in a trailer park when…

you call the city to see why the water pressure dropped dramatically only to find out that the city doesn’t provide your water. you then easily connect the dots between the fact that your trailer park has a lake, the fact that you’ve seen brown water come out of your spicket, and the now obvious reason why water is “included” in the lot rent fee.

sketchy trailer park water…

trailer park life


you know you live in a trailer park when…

the local trailer park geese [we’re a fancy trailer park, remember, we have a freaking lake] are getting real comfortable where they are. they’ve taken over the lake, obviously, but also the playground and the soccer field, and sometimes the road. and i’m all like fine, whatevs. because really, does ANYONE have tact in a trailer park?

trailer park life


you know you live in a trailer park when…

you’re driving out of the t-park at 7:45am and you see not one, or two, but SIX yellow school buses turn in to the trailer park within a three minute timespan. and at this point, you determine that at least four people in your trailer park are school bus drivers by trade.

i’m sure there are more.

trailer park life


you know you live in a trailer park precinct when…

you hear this quote about newt gingerich at your caucus:

“some people say he’s an s.o.b. but i say you gotta be one to deal with ’em”

thanks, alicia, for the inspiration!

trailer park life


you know you live in a trailer park when…

your neighbor [who also lives in a trailer, obviously] says: “i’m assuming your bathroom is in the same place ours is?”